Culture Redeemed

Think critically. Apply biblically. Love unconditionally.

The Big Bang Theory Offers Forgiveness

Est Reading Time: 2 mins

God’s redemptive thumbprint can be found everywhere – even in progressive television like The Big Bang Theory! This popular TV show may have ended in May 2019, but I’m still slowly watching my way through the final season. I should probably get two things out of the way at the outset:

1. First, this is my (Chris’) favorite show!

2. Second, I in no way agree with the scientific belief (because that’s what it is: a belief) of an actual Big Bang creation event. We are hard-core Young Earthians (is that a word?!) and firmly believe in the literal understanding of the Biblical account of creation. But that’s a discussion for another day.

Man’s Forgiveness

Back to my favorite show. Recently, I came across this clip from the final season that I knew I had to share with you, whether you’re a fan of the show or not. You can watch the clip below:

This scene caught me by pleasant surprise with how the writers chose to resolve Leonard’s series-long issues with his mother. They used the Christian concept of no obligation, no expectation, old-fashion forgive-your-brother-77-times forgiveness! 🙌 ❤️ The show could have chosen to brush away the issues or belittle them with humor, but I’m so happy they decided to show off the power of forgiveness.

God’s Forgiveness

We were made for communion with God and with our fellow brothers and sisters. Sin gets in the way of those relationships in all sorts of ways. God provided us with the gift of forgiveness through the blood of Christ to restore our relationship to Him. In response, Christians can restore their relationships with others through the power of man’s forgiveness. The writers don’t acknowledge the necessity of God’s forgiveness, but they do acknowledge the beauty of man’s forgiveness. This is a small picture of our Creator reflected in His creation. It’s also an image of our need for reconciliation to one another. Both minor, but we’ll take the wins!

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