6 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas + FREE Printable Tracker

One of our New Year’s resolutions
With a bit of prep work, Chris packed up the kids, and they spent a few hours one Saturday running around town, committing their random acts of kindness. Check out our video compilation of their crazy-fun day:
While doing several random acts of kindness in one day had its advantages, we’ll probably stick to 2-3 max. per day from now on. It was an exhausting, but well worth it adventure!
Random Acts of Kindness Ideas
1. Treat the Mailman
The kids wrote ‘thank you’ notes and taped them to a candy bar, which we then left in the mailbox. We just happened to notice when he drove down the street, so we watched from the window, thinking we were unseen. We weren’t. He waved at us, which was not intended, but fun for everyone! (We leave him a note & gift card at Christmas too, so he’s used to it.)
2. Donate to Local Ministry or Shelter
After tidying up with Marie Kondo, we packed up all our gently used items and donated them to a local ministry. Remember to keep track of the value of your donation; you’ll be thankful come tax time!
3. Notes on Windshields
Using a pre-written pack or writing some DIY encouraging notes in advance makes this one extra easy! Just tear off a sheet and tuck it under a windshield wiper. The kids had a great time running around the parking lot, trying not to be seen.
4. Pay for Someone’s Meal
This is the quintessential random act of kindness: pay for the order behind you in line at the drive-thru. We did this one at our local, favorite Chick-fil-A, who made it very easy! The car behind us, it seemed, was a mom and two kids. We were delighted to watch her dumbfounded expression when the cashier refused her outstretched cash. Success!!
We heard of one
5. Vending Machine Surprise
Toss a few quarters and a note inside
6. Treat Local Heroes
Our kids get a free Krispy Kreme donut for each ‘A’ they earn on their report cards, up to 6 each. This quarter, they collectively decided to donate all of them (1.5 dozen) to our local firefighters. This was the highlight of the day for everyone. The guys at the firehouse gave us a tour, let the kids climb all over the trucks, and delighted in their
“We love because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19
His Kindness
As believers, we know that the only reason to love others, to serve others, is because the King of the world first loved us (1 John 4:19) and sought fit to serve us (Phil. 2:5-8) long before we deserved it. To ensure our kids didn’t miss this, we read scripture together, discussed our intentions and the purpose of our random acts of kindness, and prayed along the way as we did each act. Watching our kids investing their time, talents, quarters, and donuts in others was worth all the effort!! As promised, we ourselves were enriched (Prov. 11:25) as our cups ran over.
How are you and your family loving and serving others this year? Whether you’re investing in everyday acts of spreading the Gospel’s good news, advocating for victims of sex
Printable Random Acts of Kindness Tracker
And, as promised, here’s a FREE printable Random Acts of Kindness Tracker for you! It is a (boy-friendly!) geometric heart. Just color in one section per random act you commit!
Printable Heart Valentine’s Day Cards
We also created a sheet of 8 Printable Heart Coloring Valentine’s Day Cards! Have your child color them in – or let the recipient do it!
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