Culture Redeemed

Think critically. Apply biblically. Love unconditionally.

Social Media Evangelize

How to Use Social Media to Evangelize


We all have lofty ideals to leverage the internet to better our world, but how can Christians use social media to evangelize? Is it even possible?! Yes! Despite the mixed bag that social media offers our society, it provides a unique opportunity for those wishing to share the Gospel to a broader audience. Below are …

Christian Perspective of Gender-Fluid Pronouns

A Christian Perspective of Gender-Fluid Pronouns


In our unstable environment, a Christian perspective on gender-fluid pronouns can make all the difference. With the myriad of pronoun options available in our gender-fluid age (he, she, they, xe), it is crucial that Christians keep a Scriptural perspective, holding two things in tension: truth and love. Language is Never Neutral As a world language, …

Orpheus and Eurydice

How Orpheus and Eurydice Point to Jesus


Have you seen Hadestown, Eurydice, or Shang-Chi? They’re all retelling the same ancient myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, a tragedy, that points to Jesus (stick with us, we’ll prove it). As a people, humanity tends to retell the same stories. In literature, we refer to these as “universal themes.” They exist across both time and …


The Big Bang Theory Offers Forgiveness


God’s redemptive thumbprint can be found everywhere – even in progressive television like The Big Bang Theory! This popular TV show may have ended in May 2019, but I’m still slowly watching my way through the final season. I should probably get two things out of the way at the outset: 1. First, this is …

Frozen 2 Biblical Integration

Top 5 Frozen 2 Biblical Integration Points


Frozen 2 cries out the Truths of our Creator in some of the most powerful ways that we’ve seen in a Disney film in some time. As you may know from some of our other content, we believe that all truth is God’s Truth. Meaning that all of creation, including the stories that people tell …

Christ and Culture

The 5 Views of Christ and Culture


Besides the Bible, no work has impacted the discussion around Christian engagement with culture more than H. Richard Niebuhr’s book Christ and Culture, published in 1951. Its perceptive message is hauntingly accurate even in displaying today’s Christian trends. Throughout history, Christians have questioned our relationship to culture. It is clear from Christ himself in Matthew …

Christians Redeeming Culture

Christians Redeeming Culture


As Christians, we were not just created to glorify and enjoy God, but to be His emissaries to the world, redeeming culture. The Lord has commanded His people to be His hands and feet. We are to be salt and light, beacons proclaiming His Gospel. It seems obvious how missionaries in a foreign land may …

Good News Coming

Good News is Coming


As Christians, we know that the Gospel is GOOD NEWS. And truly, it is, literally and metaphorically. The Greek word which we use to indicate the Gospel (euangelion) literally translates to ‘good news.’ It is the message of Jesus (1 Cor. 15). The message of a Savior who loved His people so much, He descended …