What the Bible Says About Setting Goals

Ever wondered what the Bible says about setting goals, and if that information could impact your own yearly endeavors? Turns out that the Bible provides some specific guidance on goal-setting that has the power to radically alter how you approach personal aspirations! Furthermore, it offers advice on how to pursue our goals in a manner that aligns with God’s will. While the term “goal-setting” may not be explicitly mentioned, biblical principles offer valuable insights for Christians seeking direction in their aspirations.
Our Goals; God’s Plans
Proverbs 16:3 encourages believers to commit their plans to the Lord, trusting that He will establish their steps. The Bible emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s guidance, which applies even when setting goals. Christians acknowledge that human plans are best realized when aligned with Divine purpose.
Likewise, Proverbs 19:21 reminds Christians that many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. It is imperative for Christians to remember the need for humility when assessing our goals. In so doing, we recognize that God’s sovereign will ultimately determines the outcomes.
Setting Goals with Eyes on Jesus
Christians should approach goal-setting, like all other aspects of their lives, with prayer and guidance through Scripture. By aligning our desires with biblical principles, we can better ensure that our goals are consistent with God’s purposes. Believers are not promised positive outcomes. In fact, Scripture seems to assure us that, if we’re doing it right, hardship, persecution, and trials will meet us along the way. Prayer is not magic, and Scripture does not guarantee prosperity. However, the Lord’s will often provides us with so much more than what we are seeking. So, rather than ask for the Lord’s blessing over your goals as a way to shore up success, Christians should seek God’s desires so our hearts are ready to follow Him, even in failure, at crossroads, or when having to reorient the direction of our lives.
Earthly Goals with Eternal Rewards
Furthermore, Jeremiah 29:11 reassures Christians that God has plans for their welfare, offering hope and a future that transcends this earth. Although this verse is a promise made to the Israelites living in exile in Babylon, we know that what it says about our God and His plans is still applicable today. Christians can rest assured that they serve a God who has eternal rewards in mind for His people. And that those rewards go far beyond our wildest dreams, stretching beyond our finite lives and into eternity. On this side of Heaven, though, seeking God’s will in goal-setting is crucial for a fulfilling and purposeful life.
Let’s take it one step further. We know that the Bible encourages Christians to prioritize eternal values over worldly achievements. Additionally, Matthew 6:33 advises believers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, with the promise that all these things will be added unto them. Beyond just seeking the Lord’s input in our goals, the Bible says we should be working towards God’s goals, in addition to our own. Accordingly, Christians should set goals that contribute to the advancement of God’s kingdom and align with righteous living.
Setting Biblical Goals
Have you set goals this month, year, or decade that involve working towards the Great Commission? If not, you’re not alone! Many Christians accidentally neglect such specifics in their own goal-setting. If you’re looking for a place to start, here are some ideas that might spark your interest:
- Set aside opportunities to grow your faith or strengthen your relationship with the Lord. This could include a Bible reading plan, dedicated time to pray, reading a devotional, or joining a Bible study. Spending time with the Lord is NEVER time wasted!
- Work to positively alter your earthly relationships with your family, your friends, and/or your neighbors. Aim for monthly dates with your spouse, one-on-one time with your kids, fellowship with friends, and evangelistic opportunities with neighbors (this could be as easy as an open house afternoon with a potluck meal or using your online presence to reach others for Jesus).
- Commit to helping others. Volunteer at a local charity, help at the food bank, hand out supply bags to homeless individuals in your area, or help with opportunities at your church. Setting aside the Sabbath as a day of rest, for you and others, is even a great place to start! Serving others is a fundamental pillar of following in Jesus’ steps. And a worthy goal for us to strive towards. Get the whole family involved by printing out our Random Acts of Kindness Tracker.
What the Bible Says About Setting Goals
While the Bible may not explicitly detail a step-by-step process for what Christians should do when setting goals, what it says regarding general principles offers guidance about how to approach this area of our lives. Christians should set goals with humility, prayer, and a focus on aligning our aspirations with God’s purpose. By seeking God’s will in our goals, believers can find true fulfillment and contribute to the greater purpose of advancing God’s kingdom on earth!
Setting new goals? Tell us in a comment below & we’ll commit to praying for them!