Christians Should See the New “Barbie” Movie

The new Barbie movie continues to top box offices, but not without controversy from every side, begging the question of if Christians should see it or not. In our humble opinion, YES, Christians should absolutely go see this new Greta Gerwig masterpiece! Though, we admit that this movie is not for everyone.
The New Barbie Movie
The Barbie movie has been a hot topic of conversation lately, with people on both sides of the political divide praising and criticizing it. We’ve heard it all in the last few weeks: It’s too woke. Its traditional gender portrayal is outdated. It’s too progressive. It’s too conservative. Seriously, y’all, what is the deal?!
The answer to that is complicated. And after seeing the movie with my teenage daughters, I understand why audiences have been split. I also see why the criticism is, at times, contradictory. Our modern world often struggles to challenge wrongs and find solutions that work in perfect harmony. In fact, Christians are in a unique position to hold two truths in tension: The world is broken; Jesus is redeeming the world. For every wrong, we have a right. And we know that without the ultimate saving power of Jesus, we can attempt to make our world better, but sin will always mar our efforts. This is a truth that the secular world does not understand. Consequently, non-believers are left with a broken world and only broken people to fix it. Which we already know, they cannot.
This leaves a gap into which Christians can breathe the hope of the Gospel. A Savior is coming! He is on the way! Barbie, Ken, He is what you are searching for.
Try as we might, there may be spoilers in the text that follows. So, if you want to be surprised, pin this article to read after you see the movie.
Barbie’s Got Problems
Like much of today’s secular entertainment, Barbie perpetuates some of what it critiques. But at least it acknowledges it. The writers set out on an impossible mission. They used one of the most destructive stereotypes in pop culture (Barbie) to challenge the Western world’s unrealistic ideals. So, yes, there are definite moments of dissonance. But, they get bonus points for trying! And I don’t think they failed, on the whole. Like trying to make Grandma’s cookies without the secret ingredient, finding solutions to today’s problems without Jesus isn’t going to yield the same results. And just like bland cookies, it won’t satisfy any craving.
Go, Barbie, Go
Specifically, there is a lot in the new Barbie movie that Christians should see as positive:

- Diversity! There are Barbies of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Or to put it less crassly, Barbie spans the spectrum of ethnicities, interests, abilities, and body types. Go, Barbie, go!
- Embracing individual identities! Barbie is on a coming-of-age journey learning to embrace her own unique identity. Thankfully, God did not make tin soldiers! Learning to accept your own role in the universe is something to be praised.
- Excellence in the arts! The Giver of all good things has clearly blessed the creators, writers, staff, cast, and crew of Barbie. The performance and production quality of this movie are phenomenal.
Feminist Barbie
The year of the woman is not over, as Barbie proves. There is still so much disparity in our society, especially between the genders. Male and female were cursed in the Garden of Eden. We’re still reaping the enmity planted there. While feminism is a dirty word in many conservative circles, Christians should advocate for gender equality more. Not because our world has finally realized it’s a problem. But because we know that God created male and female in His image. Whether you are a complementarian or an egalitarian, we all agree that God loves both male and female equally. Jesus’ blood is evenly washed over both sexes.
In today’s world, Christians should support feministic endeavors as they align with principles of equality, justice, and human dignity. Jesus Himself treated women with respect and fairness, challenging societal norms of His time. Embracing certain aspects of feminism can help rectify historical gender-based injustices and promote a more inclusive Church. We need to reflect the biblical concept that all individuals are created in God’s image and deserve equal opportunities. By advocating for women’s rights, Christians can contribute to a more compassionate and just world. A world where women’s voices are heard, talents are valued, and the Church’s mission of love and hope is extended to all, regardless of gender. This is one more reason that Christians should see the new Barbie movie.
Barbie Needs Jesus
The biggest area where Christians can speak into the movie, and into our world at large, is around purpose. It is no surprise that Barbie and Ken both wrestle with their place in both Barbieland and the real world. This is a universal struggle that goes all the way back to the beginning. Satan undermined Eve’s identity in the Garden, and she’s been floundering ever since. This massive problem has an easy answer: Jesus. Christians know that everyone is created in the image of God and has a special purpose in life. As the Westminster Catechism affirms, man’s (and woman’s) chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Our identity is found in Him. He has declared our worth. Our purpose is fulfilled by Him. And in a broken, nihilistic, purposeless world, this is good news! And it is the biggest reason that Christians should see the new Barbie movie. So they are ready to be salt and light even when chatting about Barbie.
Christians: To See Barbie or Not to See Barbie
Of course, there are also some Christians who may be hesitant to see the new Barbie movie because of its perceived wokeness. The messages are not explicitly Christian and any biblical integration in them is clearly unintentional. Specifically, there has been a lot of chatter around transgender and gender-fluid persons associated with the film. As biblical believers, we know that God’s perfect design includes two genders, which we believe He assigns at birth.
In a world where our very gender is up for debate, no wonder so many individuals are struggling with their purpose and worth. Brothers and sisters, we have a hope like no one else! We have the living water that our parched world is thirsting for. Please do not throw burning coals on the heads of those who are already struggling. Jesus came with condemnation for those inside the “church” of His day. But He came with love, imparting dignity and offering hope, to those who were outside of it. We are called to do the same. Hold those within the Church accountable to the teachings of the Bible. But graciously and lovingly offer hope to those outside of it.
Some Christians Should NOT See the New Barbie Movie
We do want to clear one thing up where gender issues are concerned. The Barbie movie does not overtly include a theme that exclusively promotes gender fluidity, homosexuality, or transgenderism. There are some undertones and a few jokes that adults will pick up on, but which will most likely sail over kids’ heads. However, the cast of this film does include actors and actresses who fall variously along the gender spectrum.
Watching movies with transgendered, gender-fluid, or homosexual actors does not necessarily imply agreement with their lifestyle. Christians, like anyone else, can appreciate the artistic and storytelling aspects of films while maintaining personal beliefs. Engaging with diverse perspectives can foster understanding and empathy, essential values in Christianity. Jesus Himself associated with individuals from various backgrounds, challenging cultural norms. Watching such movies can be an opportunity to learn, promote dialogue, and demonstrate love for all people, regardless of differences. It is possible to separate personal beliefs from enjoying entertainment and supporting human dignity and worth.
That being said, if this is a stumbling block for you, then please skip the new Barbie movie. If your children are not prepared for a film that is PG-13, then please encourage them to skip the movie. It is not meant for younger audiences, regardless, as there are adult themes and adult language involved. I watched the movie with my 2 teenage daughters and felt no qualms about it. It opened up beautiful and necessary conversations around a myriad of topics. And made us LOL throughout!
Ultimately, whether or not Christians should see the new Barbie movie is a decision that each individual must make for themselves and their children.
Christians should see the new Barbie movie
Of course, there is no guarantee that the new Barbie movie will be a positive experience for all Christian viewers. However, the film does have the potential to be a valuable resource for Christian parents and educators who are looking for ways to teach their children about important values such as acceptance, purpose, and self-worth. And it’s a hysterically entertaining movie for adults! We think the new Barbie movie is definitely worth Christians going to see. (And don’t forget, if you’re going to make it a Barbenheimer double-feature, we’ve got a few things Christians should know before seeing Oppenheimer.)
Agree? Disagree? Tell us about it (respectfully) in the comments! 👇 We firmly believe that iron sharpens iron and know that we are NOT the final authority on spiritual issues.