Culture Redeemed

Think critically. Apply biblically. Love unconditionally.

ChatGPT is the Modern Magic 8 Ball

ChatGPT is the Modern Magic 8 Ball


In the realm of digital assistants and conversational AI, ChatGPT is emerging as the modern Magic 8 Ball, offering a twist on the age-old fortune-telling device. With its vast knowledge base, natural language processing capabilities, and ability to generate contextually relevant responses, ChatGPT has become a go-to oracle for users seeking guidance, answers, and even …

Pumpkin Spice Beast

Is Pumpkin Spice the Mark of the Beast?


Pumpkin Spice: mark of the season or mark of the beast? Everyone has a side, none are neutral (just as with spiritual destinies): to Pumpkin Spice or not to Pumpkin Spice? Like clockwork, the cool winds of September split our communities with a fervor usually reserved for disputes over infant or believer’s baptism. But could …