Books with Bella: Epic of Gilgamesh Review

Are you into bitter-sweet stories about best friends who hold hands as they fight against the gods, while also searching for everlasting life? Then The Epic of Gilgamesh is for you! Even the unknown author seems to think highly of this tale, as seen in the prologue when he states emphatically that he “WILL proclaim to the world the deeds of Gilgamesh.” Written in cuneiform around 2,000 B.C., this short novella about the wild adventures of two best friends is the oldest tale in the world, passed down from the time of the ancient Mesopotamians. Relevant to audiences both then and now, The Epic of Gilgamesh reveals humanity’s God-given desire to live on for eternity, whether physically or through a legacy.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
As this harrowing tale goes, a king, two-thirds god and one-third man, ruled the citizens of Uruk selfishly. In response to the cries of the people, the gods send Enkidu, another demi-god. Soon, the king, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu become best friends. Together, hand-in-hand, they are a formidable team. Gilgamesh and Enkidu go on multiple thrilling adventures, such as defeating a giant, battling with the gods, and witnessing death first-hand, leading to a desperate search for eternal life. Afterward, Gilgamesh returns home with a newly found love for his city and finally feels content with his life. No longer the tyrant he once was, Gilgamesh becomes the greatest king Uruk has ever known and lives the rest of his life in happiness.
The desire to live forever existed in the Mesopotamian world and exists in the world today. Four thousand years ago, the Mesopotamians believed the gods were unhelpful, petty things who saw humans as their toys. As a result, the Mesopotamians believed that nothing good came after life, so it was reasonable for them to fear death and want to live for eternity. However, the desire to live forever was not solely caused by the fear of death. When God created Adam and Eve in the garden, He created them to live forever, gifting humans with the longing for eternal life. In fact, many humans still have that desire. Even if people cannot live physically forever, they want to live on in the minds of people.
Should Christians read The Epic of Gilgamesh?
Christians should absolutely read this book! The epic reveals to modern-day Christians how much of God’s truth can seep into a culture, even ones that have little or no access to the Scriptures! For example, in almost every creation account, a flood has been recorded. There is even a flood account in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Another thing worth mentioning is the struggle to obtain eternal life. As humans, that desire has been placed in us by God because death was never part of the plan. It is now, through Jesus Christ alone, that we have the ability to live forever with Him. In all of these cultures, Truth is evident through general revelation, allowing humans to have access to God even without the Bible.
Books with Bella
Personally, I found this epic to be a remarkable story. I could not help but feel amazed at how this book could unintentionally speak so much of God’s truth. The elements of adventure, friendship, humor, and despair only add to the beauty of the tale. Although The Epic of Gilgamesh is a great read for many people, I would not recommend it to those who find mythology or ancient literature dull. Regardless, humanity’s yearning for everlasting life is unmistakably God-given to Christians and non-Christians alike, as evidenced in The Epic of Gilgamesh.
Did you like this Books with Bella review of The Epic of Gilgamesh? If so, stick around! I’ll be reviewing other classics of the ancient world soon.
Books with Bella (author bio): Isabella is a high school student reading her way through selections of Ancient & Medieval Literature. As part of her homeschool curriculum, she has endeavored to review some of her readings, especially for students her own age. Although excited to share her essays with a wider audience, Isabella really enjoys spending her free time writing fiction and drawing. Maybe someday she’ll share some of those projects. For now, stay tuned for more book reviews with Bella!
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